In October 2013, IMO Group Switzerland granted Grupo Peñaflor the certification of the Corporate Responsiblity and Fair For Life Program. This program certifies the company’s good practices in issues related to working conditions such as: forced labor, freedom of association, collective bargaining, child labor and young workers, disciplinary practices, equal treatment and opportunities, health and safety. In addition to assessing the Company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility, certification in this program enables us to sell certain products in different markets worldwide where consumers can enjoy them. Part of the revenues obtained from the sale of Fair for Life wines are invested in several actions that benefit our workers and the communities where they live.
The actions mentioned above are selected by a Fair Trade Committee made up of workers of the certified operations.
The Bemberg Foundation was set up in 1989 in commemoration of the siblings Federico, Otto, Luis Emilio and María Rosa Bemberg, with the aim of promoting and contributing to the development of communities where the different family’s undertakings are located.
Therefore, the Foundation supports Grupo Peñaflor in its plan to get closer to the community.
Since the year 2014, the Bemberg Foundation and Grupo Peñaflor have jointly developed several projects in the Provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, Salta and Catamarca. These projects aim at improving the quality of life of people through actions that promote access to health and education.